How Can Drivers Prepare for CSA 2010?
There are several important ways a driver can prepare for the Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 (CSA 2010). Operating under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) guidelines, the CSA 2010 is a program that focuses upon large truck and bus safety. CSA 2010 hopes to alleviate problems before crashes occur, thereby keeping roadways safer for all drivers.
Know the CSA 2010 puts the responsibility on you to know and understand any rules. In order to prepare for the CSA 2010, drivers can take the following measures:
1. Learn all you can about the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) safety rules and regulations. Safety rules would include driving only when you are not sleepy and only when you have not been drinking or taking drugs. Maintain a vehicle that is in proper working order and has passed an inspection. Follow all road regulations such as speed limits and only drive within your Hours-of-Service.
2. The FMCSA updates regularly on the CSA 2010 website, so be sure to visit the site often. You will find a plethora of resources to help answer any questions you might have. The CSA website has many documents including fact sheets, explanations and rules.
3. Visit where you will find your Pre-Employment Program (PSP) record. If any of your information is incorrect, let the FMCSA’s office know so they can make an update.
4. Know and understand what the Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (csa 2010 BASICs) are. The FMCSA uses these categories to assess your safety, so brush up if you are unsure about the program. You will find this information at the CSA 2010 website along with the new Safety Measurement System (SMS).
5. The FMCSA offers guidelines for how to drive commercial motor vehicles. This information is listed under the CMV Web-Based Driving Tips. Read and digest this important information to stay safe on the road.
6. Your safety inspection records must be kept on hand. You will want to review the material on a regular basis. The former SafeStat model has changed. Now the CSA looks at all roadside safety violations rather than just out-of-service violations when assessing your performance. This information is also highly important for your employer, and will be asked for if you change to a new job.
7. It’s your responsibility to know and understand your employer’s safety record. The Safety Measurement System offers easy access to online records.