Owner Operator Truck Driving Jobs
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Becoming an Owner/ Operator for a company or yourself may not for everyone, as owning your own business take a bit more than being a company driver. However, most O/O Drivers find it very rewarding. This article will explain the advantages of becoming an Owner/ Operator have over a Company Driver and what you can expect in this career choice.
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Finding an Owner Operator Position in Your State
There are many benefits to becoming an Owner Operator in your state. For all Owner Operators, fuel and upkeep of the equipment are major costs you have to contend with. Partnering with a trucking company and working as an Owner/ Operator for that company affords the driver company pricing breaks on fuel and maintenance costs within their large network of fuel stops and vendors.
Many trucking companies offer weekly settlements of your revenues, so your cash flow is not significantly impacted. This includes payment on an honor system before all paperwork is turned in for freight that has been unloaded before the payday cut off, usually up to 11:59 pm. This system can vary so check with your trucking partner for more details.
What to Expect When You Choose to be an Owner Operator
Becoming an Owner Operator is a big move. Make sure you are going to be successful by using some of these tips. You should take an honest personal assessment of yourself to determine if you will be successful. Look at your habits, work ethic, and other factors that can determine success. Look at your driving preferences, home time, family considerations, health considerations, career goals, etc. All of these factors will tell you if you are better off driving for a trucking company, working as an Owner/ Operator in partnership with a trucking company, or going solo as an independent Owner Operator.
You should also take into account financial considerations such as excessive debt. This can majorly impact borrowing money for a truck. You will need to set up an emergency fund, disability insurance, and life insurance to ensure your family is taken care of in case something was to happen to you while out on the road. Pay down any excessive credit card debt, because this actually paints a very vivid picture of your financial health.
How to Transition from a Company Driver to an Owner Operator
The transition from Company Driver to Owner Operator requires lots of hard work and determination to succeed and transition from one position to the other. The top reasons most truckers want to become Owner Operators are to make more money, have more freedom, and work for themselves. These are definite perks, but it can be a bumpy transition if the driver has not done an honest personal assessment. As an Owner/ Operator, you will probably earn more money than you would working for a trucking company, but you may end up losing money before you make it. You will initially be putting in more hours that someone that is driving for a company. You will be driving and working behind the scenes so be prepared.