What are BASICS scores under CSA 2010?
The Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 (CSA 2010) is a new federal program that regulates safe driving habits in the commercial trucking industry. The mission of CSA 2010 is to prevent motor vehicle crashes before they happen. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) will educate and regulate drivers through the Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (CSA 2010 BASICs) program.
The CSA 2010 BASICs program has several categories including Unsafe Driving, Fatigued Driving (Hours-of-Service), Driver Fitness, Controlled Substances/Alcohol, Vehicle Maintenance, Cargo-Related, and Crash Indicator. Each category assesses unsafe behaviors that could lead to large truck and bus accidents. Through various methods such as roadside inspections, traffic violations, and driving records, the FMCSA is able to alleviate unsafe driving and prevent roadside crashes of commercial motor vehicles. Each of the categories is defined below.
CSA 2010 BASICs scores are meant to represent a variety of factors, and reveal a more accurate representation of safety concerns.
1) Unsafe Driving
The hazardous or reckless driving of a commercial motor vehicle. This include traffic violations such as speeding tickets, improper lane changing, reckless driving, inattention and other unsafe driving behaviors.
2) Fatigued Driving (Hours-of-Service)
The operation of a commercial motor vehicle when the driver is sleepy. Assessments are made via crash reports where driving while fatigued was the major cause. Hours-of-service violations are also reviewed.
3) Driver Fitness
Driving a commercial vehicle without the proper experience, training or medical qualification. This is assessed through crash reports, roadside inspection reports and compliance review violations.
4) Controlled Substances/Alcohol
This is commercial vehicle operation while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, no matter whether they are prescribed or illegal. Assessments are made through roadside inspection violations, crash reports where alcohol and/or drugs were a contributing factor, and positive drug or alcohol test results.
5) Vehicle Maintenance
Non-compliance to properly maintain a commercial motor vehicle. Assessments are made through roadside inspection violations resulting from mechanical issues, crash reports where mechanical failure was cited, or compliance review violations with repair, pre-trip inspections, or maintenance records.
6) Cargo-Related
Problems with shifting loads, the unsafe handling of hazardous materials, and spilled or dropped cargo. These problems are assessed via roadside inspection violations of cargo retention, hazardous material handling and load securement. Crash reports citing shifting loads or spilled and dropped cargo are also reviewed.
7) Crash Indicator
A history of crashes including the frequency and severity of the crashes. Miles carrier logs are checked against the driver’s number of accidents. This is assessed through law enforcement crash reports and the number of crashes reported by the carrier when investigated.